“The Church desires that participation in the liturgy should be ‘full, conscious and active’.” 

“To love you more dearly: The Prayer & Liturgy Directory” 

With this desire in mind, each day begins with prayer in form classes to help staff and students to respond to God’s invitation to enter into friendship with Him and to prepare for a day of learning and growing together. 

Students take part in weekly celebrations of the word which are based on witness to Christ’s life as seen in the gospels and incorporate our Trust virtues of confidence, compassion, resilience, responsibility, respect, honesty, justice and self-belief. Within these celebrations of the word, students are encouraged to play an active role by reading, playing music, acting, praying and reflecting. 

During the academic year, students are given the chance to take part in a form Mass which they will help prepare and deliver along with our priests from the partnership. Mass is held weekly on a Friday at 12:30pm and is open to anyone in our school community. 

In addition to weekly Mass, feast days, such as the feast of St. Michael, are celebrated.  We celebrate the end of the school year with key stage masses at Holy Rosary Parish Church, Billingham. The Y11 Leavers’ Mass also takes place here. During Lent, the sacrament of Reconciliation is offered by arrangement with our local priests. 

Regarding other aspects of sacramental life, the academy supports students that are undergoing preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation in our local parishes.